Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Formal Resignation from the Nerd Herd

I, Elizabeth Marie Schloeder wish to formally resign from the nerd herd. I wish to keep the same associations with all present members, but I request that I am not referred to as part of the nerd herd or named as such.
I do not consider myself a true nerd, and I believe the name "Nerd Herd" is cheesy.
Signed, (But not really)
Elizabeth Schloeder


  1. The name was thought up by Cecilia xD But I can always change the name if you want :3

    1. By the way, is your brother still in our "gang"? I don't have his e-mail yet ._.

      Are you still resigning? ;n; Don't leave us, Bethie!

    2. insmoshable@gmail.com
      I'll still be friends with y'all, but I have a more thorough explanation below.

  2. No, you can keep the name. I'm talking about "The Nerd Herd" which was a cheesy name thought up like a year ago, that only I seem to think is cheesy. The point is, I don't think I really am a nerd. Like, just look at the background. I've never seen anything from Star Trek. I play Mario to enjoy the game, and don't care that much about the characters. I may be smart and have a 4.0 GPA from all of my years of school, but that is genetic, and I rarely study. I do enjoy reading, but I dislike most science fiction things (especially Star Wars, it is so cheesy), and to me books are more of a story to enjoy reading while they last and not obsess over. And again, "The Nerd Herd" makes it sound like we're some obscure clique that thinks they're so smart for finding a word that rhymes with nerd.
    I apologize if I have been to harsh. I do respect all of your nerdiness, it is just that I do not consider myself among you. As for the name, that is completely a personal opinion, do not let it affect you in any way.

    1. Yeah, Cecilia thought of the name a year ago (I personally hate it too xD) I chose it as the name for this blog because I thought that everyone liked it (apparently only Cecilia liked it... ._.) But now I am willing to change it because I know now that nobody likes that name anymore.

      Also Cecilia is the only one calling us all nerds /).<" This blog was made with the sole purpose of sharing about our everyday lives, not to boast about our "nerdiness", which none of us really want to do ._. Do you have a better name in mind? Because I will definitely change it to that ASAP ^-^ Please stay on this blog, Bethie ;u;

    2. Ok, fine. No idea what to change the name to if you want to change it, you don't have to. I think Christian still likes it as well, and possibly Zoe, so I dunno. Purple mushrooms.

  3. Purple Mushrooms is random, why not the secret circle of friends to sound cool and mysterious, just a thought! XD
